Parenting 101

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This Week’s Question:

From Paula
“Hello, Parenting Store! My 22-month-old son will be starting daycare in the New Year when I return to work, and I’d love to help him get ready for potty training. Any tips?”

Hi Paula,
Thanks for reaching out! Potty training is a common topic with toddlers, and many parents wonder about the right approach. Here’s a general guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Check for Readiness

Potty training readiness varies widely among toddlers, so the first step is identifying whether your son is showing these key signs:

  • Awareness of wetness/soiling: Can he tell you when he’s wet or dirty?
  • Independence with clothing: Can he pull down his pants, especially if they have an elastic waist?
  • Communication skills: Can he communicate the need to go, perhaps with a word, sign, or other gesture?

If he’s showing some of these skills, it may be time to introduce potty training concepts.

Step 2: Make Potty Training Routine-Friendly
Start including him in basic potty habits:

  • Read Books Together: Find simple children’s books about using the potty and read them together.
  • Involve the Bathroom: Change his diaper in the bathroom and flush the toilet together, explaining that “pee and poo go in the potty.”
  • Modeling: Let him watch family members use the toilet, which helps him understand how it works.

Step 3: Build Interest and Awareness
Encourage his natural curiosity about using the potty. Recognize that controlling the muscles for holding and releasing are new skills he’ll develop gradually, so patience is key!

These are just the beginning steps for building readiness and interest. When he’s showing these signs consistently, you’ll be set to take the next steps in potty training.

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